PEI: Lien filed against convention centre


Wood Millers Inc., a sub-contracting firm involved in the Prince Edward Island Convention Centre’s construction, has filed a lien claim saying it’s owed more than $105,000 for work done on the building, reports The Guardian.

In August, the firm filed a mechanic’s lien against the estate of InnVest Properties Prince Edward Island Nominees Ltd. and the estate of the Charlottetown Area Development Corp. (CADC).CADC owns the convention center and Innvest Properties operates the Delta Prince Edward Hotel, which in turn manages the convention center.

Wood Millers claims $105,218.72 for labor and building materials used in convention center’s construction, which were provided for Hay Enterprises, which was another sub-contractor operating under the name Chandler Home Centre.

Ron Waite, CADC’s general manager, said the lien involved an issue between the sub-contractors and his understanding was that it would be lifted soon.The lien claim hadn’t been lifted on Sept. 30.

The lien wasn’t the first time the convention center was involved in legal proceedings.CADC is involved in about $5 million in lawsuits with several companies over allegations of problems with work on the project and unpaid bills.

The provincially and federally funded convention center was supposed to cost $17.5 million, but the final price tag came in at $24.3 million.

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