Work completed on Trans Canada Highway’s realignment

pei trans canada highway realighment

The last 1.8 kilometre section of Prince Edward Island’s Trans Canada Highway realignment opened Oct. 31, between Encounter Creek and New Haven, reports DailyBusinessBuzz.

The realignment is now approximately 95 per cent complete, Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal Minister Robert Vessey said. The project was completed on time and on budget.

Work still remains to connect Colville Road to the realignment in New Haven, and a new lane must be paved just east of the Bonshaw Bridge.

Sections of the realigned highway were opened as they were completed in order to minimize disruption to commercial transport trucks and the travelling public.

The first paved portion of the realignment, between Churchill and Bonshaw, opened to traffic Sept. 23.

Vessey said the 6.1 kilometreTrans Canada Highway realignment increases safety by improving sight lines, eliminating sharp curves, removing potentially dangerous access points, reducing the overall grade of the highway, and adding turn lanes and improving intersections.

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