NS: Construction continues on new terminal building in North Sydney


The construction is underway on Marine Atlantic’s new terminal building in North Sydney, Nova Scotia.

Recently, Minister of TransportLisa Raitttoured the siteconstruction site of new terminal building in North Sydney.

The new terminal building is funded through the Government of Canada’s five-year investment of $521 million in the revitalization of Marine Atlantic’s fleet and shore facilities. It is due to open and be operational in 2015-16.

The new North Sydney Terminal is estimated to cost $20 million, including design, site preparation and construction.

The terminal will be modern, efficient, and environmentally friendly, and will offer amenities such as a commercial driver seating lounge area and provide closer access to downtown North Sydney businesses.

“The Government of Canada continues to invest in renewing and improving Marine Atlantic’s fleet and shore facilities, such as the new North Sydney terminal, because we recognize the importance of connecting the communities, businesses and economies of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador. In addition to improving the safety, efficiency and reliability of its ferry services, the new terminal will bring economic benefits to the region,”Lisa Raitt said.

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